
Quienes somos

La Sansi is dedicated, among other functions, to promoting sport and organizing sporting events. Since 2007 he has been specializing in popular races and to this day he has accumulated more than 16 events, both popular and international. It has more than 50.000 registered per year and its Macro trainings have up to 800 registered.

With athletes from more than 8 countries, La Sansi is the current Cross Largo champion of Catalonia. In the men's category it has been winning the last 4 years: 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020, and in the women's category, in 2018. It should be noted that it is a historic championship that has already accumulated 102 editions; the first was organized in 1916.

In 2020, in the middle of the pandemic, La Sansi was in the organization of 4 races that exhausted their numbers weeks before: the Lloretrail, the Cursa de la Mercè, the San Silvestre del Masnou and the Cursa dels Nassos in Barcelona. The Cursa de la Mercè 2020 is the race with the most participants in Spain in a pandemic, with 3.000 registered. Of the 3 San Silvestres that were organized in Spain, in 2 was in the organization La Sansi: La San Silvestre del Masnou, in its 41st edition the oldest San Silvestres in Catalonia and which had 900 registered, and La Cursa dels Nassos de Barcelona with 1,200 entries, which used up their numbers in 54 minutes. In turn, the Cursa dels Nassos was the fastest 5km race in Spain in history and the fastest 10km in Catalonia.

La Sansi has been the technical direction of the Cursa La Mercè in Barcelona for 6 years with up to 15.000 registered, and since 2014 also in the organization of the Cursa dels Nassos in Barcelona, ​​which is held every December 31 in Barcelona and usually have 12.000 registered. These two are joined by the San Silvestre del Masnou, since 2011; The Sansi de Viladecans, which became the fastest 5km in Spain, the Papa Noel race in Santa Coloma de Gramenet, with 3,700 Papa Noeles in its 1st edition. Also, the Ponle Freno race in Badalona, ​​with 3.000 registered, La Sansi Bellaterra, a dyad race characterized as the most participatory in the dyad; The Sansi Sant Feliu de Llobregat, the Cursa Sant Adrià de Besòs which is the most important in Catalonia by the ELA. The Crematorrons Cursa in Miami platja, the Style Run Outlet, the Cursa dels Masnou and the Santa Coloma de Gramenet Fiesta Mayor Cursa with 1.600 registered in our 1st edition where the numbers were sold out a month before. It is necessary to add several trails / mountain races such as La Megalítica de Tossa de Mar, the 34th Pujada i Baixada a Guanta, or the Lloretrail. Finally, it also organized, in 2019, the 1st RUN & FIT in Spain, with about 400 registered.

In the last days of 2019, of the more than 100 races throughout Catalonia, La Sansi organized THE 2 most participatory races: La Cursa dels Nassos and the 1st Cursa Papa Noel.

Between 2013 and 2020, thanks to their races, the La Sansi club gave more than 100,000€  to different charities, some outside of Catalonia such as Úbeda, Ávila or Valencia.

La Sansi has a database with about 40,000 athletes, and apart from the events, it also organizes talks and training for companies or entities in different cities.


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  • Promote and motivate athletic activity in athletics in different age groups, and with this, promote a healthy lifestyle. As well as sports initiation with the base and women
  • Ensure that participants enjoy the race
  • Have the maximum number of registered within the security
  • More impact of the city and sponsors
  • Good presence of sponsors and collaborators

Estructura La Sansi

Equipo: 100 voluntarios para desarrollar todo tipo de tareas organizativas, 30 patrocinadores o colaboradores, y 15 miembros del comité organizador

Mascota que da publicidad en las carreras, colegios y universidades de diferentes ciudades

La Sansi en datos




  • Acreditaciones para la carpa a pie de la llegada + inscripciones gratuitas
  • Fotografías gratuitas para l@s participantes con el logo de su empresa.
  • Colocación de arcos hinchables en el recorrido, incluido en la salida /meta.
  • Pancartas, lonas y vallas publicitarias en salida, meta y durante el recorrido.
  • Flyer y/o producto de su empresa dentro de la bolsa de obsequio de todos los participantes.
  • Inserción principal de su logotipo en 60.000 dípticos, 300 pósters, pancartas y lonas.
  • Publicidad en los medios de comunicación y web de la carrera con el logo de su empresa enlazado a su web. Entrevistas a su representante en diferentes medios.
  • Intervención en la presentación y rueda de prensa junto a las autoridades, deportistas de elite y medios de comunicación.
  • Imágenes de la carrera por TV3 / Esport3, 3/24, entre otros medios de comunicación.
  • Publicidad preferencial de su logotipo con link en la web de la carrera.
  • Dossier de prensa y video de la carrera, junto a las mejores fotografías y presencia de su logo en medios de comunicación.
  • Un representante de su empresa podrá entregar premios.
  • Impresión preferencial de su logo en la camiseta, dorsal, en tamaño y zona destacada.
  • Cinta de meta y photocall con su marca.
  • Página completa en la revista Runners World
  • Posibilidad de colocar carpa o stand el día anterior en la feria del corredor o el día de la carrera al lado de la salida
  • Ubicación de fly banners del patrocinador.
  • Logo en faldones en páginas del diario Mundo deportivo y Runner’s World
  • Base de datos de los participantes


El Club La Sansi se ocupa de la promoción y difusión a nivel nacional

  • Página web en 2 idiomas
  • Mailing: BBDD de 36.000 personas. 1.860.000 envíos al año
  • Redes Sociales: Presencia en Facebook, Twitter, Instagram y Youtube
  • Eventos: 29 eventos con 69.000 participantes
Cursa de La Mercè: 16.000 inscritos
Cursa dels Nassos: 13.000 inscritos

Retransmisión y cobertura

  • Se esperan imágenes en TV3, Esport 3 y otros canales
  • Diario oficial Mundo Deportivo
  • Revista oficial Runner's World

Diseños camisetas La Sansi



