Free services for the broker (some optional):
Important: to collect the number, the chip if necessary and the shirt, you must present the corresponding proof of the registration made (whether it has been face-to-face or online) or the DNI or passport. In the event that it is collected on behalf of other people, proof of registration and a photocopy of the DNI or passport of these people must also be presented.
STARTING BOXES: In the event that your 10km mark is different from the box that touches you, credit your mark to incidents in the collection of numbers (without showing a diploma or classification, no mark will be credited) and you will be assigned a bracelet to start in the correct drawer. It will be timed by Championchip, at the start it is not necessary to be in the 1st row, since your time will start counting once you pass the start. Be sure to go through the arrival and departure mats. Hydrated at the exit, you will have free water at the exit aid station.
How to get to the exit
- Animation on the tour
- Awards by categories
- very fast traversal
- Exit drawers according to the brand
- Pacemaker time of 20', 22'30, 25', 30' and last.
- Masseuses at the finish line Centre mèdic Cuida't
- Technical T-shirt Joma
- runner's bag (will be delivered on arrival).
- Great raffle of material with the bib number
- Cloakroom at the Ricard sports center
- Photography Contest
- Showers at the Ricard sports center
- Training plans by levels on the web
- Website in 3 languages
- Free train
- All kilometer points marked with large markers
The Sansi Races
-The participants will have the classification at as soon as the participants arrive, their result will be published.
- Diploma: Participants will be able to download with their brand
- 2.000 photographs at different points of the route (free)
- Cloakroom in the sports center (It is essential to deliver any piece with a bag or backpack)
- At the end of the race, you will have two national coaches who will help you stretch to recover.
- Healthcare
- Score for the Championchip League
- Videos of departure and arrival
- WC in the sports center
- Training tips and preparation for the race.